PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia |
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Partnership in Education and training to society.
Rokan Hilir District Government |
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Partnership in education, teaching, research, and community service. |
Riau Province Government |
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Cooperate in the form of scholarship for outstanding students and scholarship among economically disadvantaged students. PCR already has been in cooperation with the government since 2013.
Cooperation with Politeknik Bengkalis |
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Cooperate in the form of information exchange in Science and Technology between the two parties for institutional advancement |
Cooperation with Politeknik Negeri Batam |
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Cooperate in the form of information exchange in Science and Technology between the two parties for institutional advancement |
Cooperation with some college libraries available in Riau (UNRI, UMRI, and UNILAK libraries) |
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Cooperate to improve education quality for both parties by utilize potential, expertise, and facility available in form of Human Resources, the use of library facilities, and the development of library infrastructure. |
Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Engineering |
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Cooperate in the form of improving the development of career center services that synergy and affiliates. This cooperation is aimed to improve product and service career center both parties, with the use of mastery of science and technology according to instances task and function each. |
Cooperation with some school (SMK 1 Lembah Melintang Sumatera Barat, SMKN 5 Pekanbaru, SMKN 6 Pekanbaru) |
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Cooperation in the form of the provision of field practice to students, admission program of new students and community service program.
PT Sekawan Global Engineering |
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Industry cooperation in the form of alumni recruitment program and student practical work opportunities.
PT Scheneider Indonesia |
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Industry cooperation in the form of the establishment of industry automation center in PCR, activities that support education and research in regular and vocational education, and popularization of technology especially appropiate technology.
Citraweb Nusa Infomedia |
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Cooperate in form of the implementing of Microtic Academy Preparation training
Republic Polytechnic Singapore |
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Is one of the polytechnics in Singapore. The cooperation is in the form of introducing state, culture, knowledge and social of each country with student exchange progarm and Temasek Foundation SCALE Programme (TF SCALE Programme). |
Tafesa - Goverment of South Australia |
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Cooperation in the form of improving staff and student between both parties in Mechatronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Accounting.
Curtin University |
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Is one of the institution in Serawak, Malaysia that have Geographic and Economic condition as same as PCR. PCR and Curtin cooperates in developing institution and lecturers, further levels for PCR students, students training, and information exchange in education and business.
ASIA e University (AeU) |
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Is an institution that’s in Malaysia. PCR dan AeU cooperate in institution development, student exchange, student training, and information exchange in education and business. |
Otago Polytechnic |
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Is one of the institutions from Dunedin, New Zealand. This cooperation is in the form of instructor and student exchange, and teaching curriculum information and teaching materials exchange in both parties.
Politeknik Mersing, Johor Malaysia |
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Cooperate in the form of sharing information by seminar, workshop and research. Other than that, both parties agree to share information in work strategy and students knowledge. |
Politeknik Negeri Padang |
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Cooperate in the provision of necessary resorces in supporting implementation of activities programmed by both parties. |
National Instruments Singapore (PTE) LTD |
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Cooperation in the form of provision of LabView Academy in form of LabView Training and certification for both parties especially in Electronics & Electrical Engineering Industry. |
TWI Technology (S.E.ASIA) Sdn.Bhd |
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Cooperate in the form of the development of labor welder and technical inspection in both parties.
PT. Wirerope/ECITB Indonesia |
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Cooperation in the form of provision of training, technical guidance, improving students/alumnus competence activities, prospective workers and making research with employment to improve the capacity of each institution.