Informatics Engineering Program
Informatic Engineering was established in 2008 under SK Kepmen No. 2008/D/T2008 with Study Program named Multimedia Informatic Engineering Study Program (Program Studi Teknik Informatika Multimedia (PSTIM)). 2 years later (2010) PSTI got a license renewal with SK Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional Kopertis Wilayah X nomor 4346/D/T/K-X/2010 named Informatic Engineering Study Program. PSTI organize a 4 year education program and graduate students as Bachelor of Applied Science (Sarjana Sains Terapan (S.ST)).
To be qualified study program that can produce a reliable and competitive graduate who can compete in Multimedia Informatics Engineering.
- Organizing Vocational Education System in Informatics Engineering section that always conform with the latest development of Informatics Engineering so that it can produce Human Resource, Goods, and Resources that can compete globally
- Producing graduate that’s professional/skilled and expert in their field, open-minded and ready to compete in global market based on industrial world in National or International level by offering a good learning environmental to students with adequate facilities.
- Developing applied research by utilizing scholarly in Multimedia Informatics Engineering in order to improving the productivity and added value to society.
- Organizing education and training in Multimedia Informatics Engineering
- Preparing professional Polytechnic graduate independently, or under supervision and guidance with main competence as follows:
- Capable of designing and making multimedia animation applicatiion in education, advertising, and entertainment.
- Capable of designing and making smart application with the using of database.
- Capable of designing and making multimedia computer network.
- Have a soft skill that covers an ability to adapt, communicate, cooperate, and leadership
- Organize development and implementation in Multimedia Informatic Engineering
Teaching and Learning Process:
Learning process in PSTI 68% of the lecture hours is filled with practice in Laboratory. There are 12 Labs that supports the main competence of PSTI. Other than hard skill competence, students also being given soft skill (leadership, cooperate and communication) by Capita Selecta Lecture, Enabling Skill and 1 semester internship (4 to 6 months). PSTI gives a full support for students’ skill development by opening chance for students by attending training, competition whether it’s local, national or International.
Study Program Competence:
- Animation and Game Development
- Multimedia Networking
- Artificial Intelligence
Study Program Career:
- Multimedia Developer
- Programmer and System Analyst
- Civil Servants, Private Employees and Instructor (Laboratory Assistant, Lecturer)
- IT Private (Start Up Business)
Certificate of Accreditation of Computer Engineering Program :
Certificates can be downloaded here